As traditional Anishinaabeg, ceremony is the centre of our spiritual way of life. Ceremony brings us back to who we are and holds the key to finding our strength and well-being.
The sweatlodge provides cleansing for the mind, body and spirit. It represents the womb of our mother, the earth. In this ceremony we can let go of all the negativity that we may carry inside and receive spiritual guidance on how to live our lives
This ceremony honours Grandmother Moon and the protection and guidance that she provides. This ceremony includes a feast, pipe ceremony, teachings, and healing time.
The sacred Sundance honours Grandfather Sun who sustains all life. It includes the sacred pipe, drum songs, fasting, dancing, teachings and healing, creating a powerful alignment with spirit. The central Tree of Life carries everyone’s prayers to Creator.
This four-day ceremony is held in the spring and the fall season. Eight fires hold the energies of the sacred teachings. As warriors of love and peace, the ceremony participants come together to fast, pray, sing, dance and give of themselves.
Rites of passage involve teachings and ceremonies at puberty when a boy becomes a young man and a girl becomes a young women. These celebrations help to keep individuals connected to our community, traditions and beliefs.
This ceremony is held during the winter season. It honours the spirit of the Little People through singing and dancing.
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